Enabling Small Island Nations to take back control of their tourist industry.

Enabling Small Island Nations to take back control of their tourist industry.

Enabling Small Island Nations to take back control of their tourist industry.

Use Web 3 & Blockchain technology to

grow revenue

Use Web 3 & Blockchain technology to grow revenue

Use Web 3 & Blockchain technology to grow revenue

Capture More Of Tourist Spending On-Island

Capture More Of Tourist Spending On-Island

Capture More Of Tourist Spending On-Island

Enables KYC, Allows Geo tracking

Enables KYC, Allows Geo tracking

Enables KYC, Allows Geo tracking

Support Public Safety, Build Visitor Loyalty, Up-Sell rns.id

Support Public Safety, Build Visitor Loyalty,

Up-Sell rns.id

Support Public Safety, Build Visitor Loyalty,

Up-Sell rns.id

Simplify VAT collection & reporting *

Simplify VAT collection & reporting *

Simplify VAT collection & reporting *

How UTPS Works

How UTPS Works

How UTPS Works

View Demo

View Demo

View Demo


Visit Visas are applied for and granted using a Mobile payment app.


Apply Visa





Make Payments


The Benefits of UTPS

Host Nation


Visa Management

Visitor's can seamlessly submit your visa application online, eliminating the need for complex paperwork and lengthy queues.

Grow Revenue

Bring a larger share of tourist spending onshore via the app. Require visitors to deposit minimum amounts into their “digital wallet” as part of the visa approval process.

Save Currency Exchange Costs

Visitors do not have to purchase currencies that they normally do not use

Safety at Islands

Mechanism to control visitor impact on daily, weekly basis, Enables Small Island Government to Track Visitor Movement & Behavior, Enhance Public Safety & Law Enforcement tools

Analytical Data

Analytical data generated by your app can be incredibly useful for the Small Island Government in several ways; Tourism Insights, Policy Formulation, Resource Allocation

One System Works Worldwide

Visitors from any country can use the same app with their native currency

View Customer Journey Map
View Customer Journey Map

The Benefits of UTPS

Host Nation


Visa Processing

Visitor's can seamlessly submit your visa application online, eliminating the need for complex paperwork and lengthy queues.


User Pays Visa Application Fee (Non-Refundable)

Via Web3 interface, the Visitor’s Wallet is funded by that amount (in the background).


Visa, hotel booking and shopping payments can be done through the wallet

Effective Travel Plan

Visitors can plan their travel plan within the mobile application in their preferred ways and time

Safety at Islands

Safety at our islands will be our utmost priority and it will serve best to the visitors


All kind of notifications related to travel, visa, spending will be in one place


Visitors can track their daily and weekly spending in the reports section

Return Un-used Funds

During departure the un-used funds will be returned to the visitors account