Enabling Small Island Nations to take back control of their tourist industry.
Enabling Small Island Nations to take back control of their tourist industry.
Enabling Small Island Nations to take back control of their tourist industry.
Use Web 3 & Blockchain technology to
grow revenue
Use Web 3 & Blockchain technology to grow revenue
Use Web 3 & Blockchain technology to grow revenue
Capture More Of Tourist Spending On-Island
Capture More Of Tourist Spending On-Island
Capture More Of Tourist Spending On-Island
Enables KYC, Allows Geo tracking
Enables KYC, Allows Geo tracking
Enables KYC, Allows Geo tracking
Support Public Safety, Build Visitor Loyalty, Up-Sell rns.id
Support Public Safety, Build Visitor Loyalty,
Up-Sell rns.id
Support Public Safety, Build Visitor Loyalty,
Up-Sell rns.id
Simplify VAT collection & reporting *
Simplify VAT collection & reporting *
Simplify VAT collection & reporting *
How UTPS Works
How UTPS Works
How UTPS Works
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Visit Visas are applied for and granted using a Mobile payment app.
Apply Visa
Make Payments

The Benefits of UTPS
Host Nation
Visa Management
Visitor's can seamlessly submit your visa application online, eliminating the need for complex paperwork and lengthy queues.
Grow Revenue
Bring a larger share of tourist spending onshore via the app. Require visitors to deposit minimum amounts into their “digital wallet” as part of the visa approval process.
Save Currency Exchange Costs
Visitors do not have to purchase currencies that they normally do not use
Safety at Islands
Mechanism to control visitor impact on daily, weekly basis, Enables Small Island Government to Track Visitor Movement & Behavior, Enhance Public Safety & Law Enforcement tools
Analytical Data
Analytical data generated by your app can be incredibly useful for the Small Island Government in several ways; Tourism Insights, Policy Formulation, Resource Allocation
One System Works Worldwide
Visitors from any country can use the same app with their native currency
View Customer Journey Map
View Customer Journey Map
How it works
The UTPS is an online mechanism designed to give Small Island Nations active control over their visitor (tourism) industry, based on the process of granting visas, making payments via apps and increased public safety. Using a blockchain back end that is transparent to the user. Minimum in-country spending amounts can be varied by season (high seasons more, low seasons less).
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Gather Research
Tourists investigate options for visits to a particular small island destination and compare alternatives, discover visa requirements.

Decide to Visit
Review all relevant user research, which includes both qualitative and quantitative findings. cost & experience to choose a destination. Explore options for tours, or as individual traveller, select dates

Make Reservations
Make reservations as individual traveller (FIT) or with travel agency as part of tour group. Download UTPS application, apply for visa online. If travelling with tour group, travel agency assists with visa application.

Deposit Visa Fees
Confirm tour arrangements, deposit funds for tour plus funds required to obtain visa. (Mobile app creates ADA wallet in background). Visit visa granted.

Fly, Land, Complete Immigration Checks
Immigration checks visa on arrival. Provides brochure about payments in country. Proceed to hotelEnjoy vacation.

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How it works
The UTPS is an online mechanism designed to give Small Island Nations active control over their visitor (tourism) industry, based on the process of granting visas, making payments via apps and increased public safety. Using a blockchain back end that is transparent to the user. Minimum in-country spending amounts can be varied by season (high seasons more, low seasons less).
Click here to view "How UTPS works"

Gather Research
Tourists investigate options for visits to a particular small island destination and compare alternatives, discover visa requirements.
Decide to Visit
Tourists investigate options for visits to a particular small island destination and compare alternatives, discover visa requirements.

Make Reservations
Tourists investigate options for visits to a particular small island destination and compare alternatives, discover visa requirements.

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Our Team
Our Team
We’re very proud to maintain such high ratings and consistently receive appreciative feedback from partners.
We’re very proud to maintain such high ratings and consistently receive appreciative feedback from partners.
Leonard Delunas
30+ Year career as small and large business owner. Providing professional project and corporate management services in emerging markets. Including 12 years in conflict market (Afghanistan) creating $1.4 billion in sales automotive and technical equipment and mission critical services. Representing Ford, Mercedes Benz, TATA, JCB, SDMO (Diesel- Electric Generators) and other international brands. Associated with development strategies for small island nations since 1974. (See planning document authored in 1991 attached). Most recently, an angel investor in a start-up in SEAsia. (nitrolabs.co.th).
MSc Digital Currencies and Blockchain, University of Nicosia.Venushe Wickramarathne
With over 15+ years of the hotel and hospitality industry, Venushe has held leading commercial roles across APAC. He previously held the position of Regional Commercial Director- Asia for BWH Hotels and Resorts, and has worked with Cinnamon Hotels and Resorts, Centara Hotels and Resorts. Venushe currently is the Group head of Sales & Marketing for Destination Resorts Pvt Ltd, Thailand. Venushe is an expert in Distribution, Sales, Marketing, and Revenue. He covers all commercial aspects of the group.
Christophe Bosquillon
a blockchain and crypto MSc colleague of Leonard Delunas, sharing with Len decades of experience living and operating in the Indo-Pacific region. He's aware of political and socio-economic issues linked to predatory tourism and how value transfer models for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) end up creating issues for local revenues and taxations.
Corporate boss, founder, researcher, author. 80% Indo-Pacific based. Transfers non-space sector experience to space domain. Engineering, Business, Geopol, Defence, Law, Governance.
Chris has diverse and collaborative leadership experience in deal negotiation, management, FDI, private equity, primarily in extraction industries, and internationally.Senior executive with more than 20 years of industry experience in general management, sales, business development, partnerships, operations and digital transformation. Deep experience in Fintech, Digital Payments, Retail and Hospitality environments. He worked for IBM and later NCR Corp where he served in various senior roles including the VP Global Sales Partnerships & Operations and VP APAC. He was the Verifone President APAC for three years. Yiannos has been delving deeper into the digital payments industry for more than 10 years with leadership responsibilities in emerging and matured markets globally.

First came to Palau in 1973 as leader of a Seabee Civic Action Team – working in 5 States over 9 months. 35 year career as small and large business owner. 20 Years in Thailand. 12 years in Afghanistan. Representing Ford, Mercedes Benz, TATA, JCB, SDMO (Diesel- Electric Generators) and other international brands. Established general insurance company. Most recently, an angel investor in a start-up in SEAsia. (nitrolabs.co.th). Funded by 344 members of Cardano community to Design and Present UTPS.
MSc Digital Currencies and Blockchain, University of Nicosia.

First came to Palau in 1973 as leader of a Seabee Civic Action Team – working in 5 States over 9 months. 35 year career as small and large business owner. 20 Years in Thailand. 12 years in Afghanistan. Representing Ford, Mercedes Benz, TATA, JCB, SDMO (Diesel- Electric Generators) and other international brands. Established general insurance company. Most recently, an angel investor in a start-up in SEAsia. (nitrolabs.co.th). Funded by 344 members of Cardano community to Design and Present UTPS.
MSc Digital Currencies and Blockchain, University of Nicosia.
With over 15+ years of the hotel and hospitality industry, Venushe has held leading commercial roles across APAC. He previously held the position of Regional Commercial Director- Asia for BWH Hotels and Resorts, and has worked with Cinnamon Hotels and Resorts, Centara Hotels and Resorts. Venushe currently is the Group head of Sales & Marketing for Destination Resorts Pvt Ltd, Thailand. Venushe is an expert in Distribution, Sales, Marketing, and Revenue. He covers all commercial aspects of the group.
Christophe Bosquillon MSc MBA has lived three-quarters of the last 35 years within the Indo-Pacific region as executive, founder, author, operating globally. With a background in sustainable trade and foreign direct investment (FDI), Chris is aware of political and socio-economic issues linked to predatory tourism. How value-transfer ends up creating issues for local revenues and taxations.
With masters’ level education in int’l relations, business, civil engineering, legal engineering and blockchain/AI, Chris is published by the MIT and globally, also contributing input to UN legal and governance working groups. He is known for leadership in disruptive transformations brought by the space and digital domains. How data and fintech enable government and private sector to capture revenues.
Together with Global South stakeholders, Chris co-develops and implements safe and sustainable solutions for access to education, science, and technology value chains, through sharing equitably their associated societal, cultural, and financial benefits.
Senior executive with more than 20 years of payment industry experience. Deep experience in Fintech, Digital Payments, Retail and Hospitality environments. Yiannos worked for IBM and later NCR Corp where he served in various senior roles including the VP Global Sales Partnerships & Operations and VP APAC. He was the Verifone President APAC for three years. Yiannos has been delving deeper into the digital payments industry for more than 10 years with leadership responsibilities in emerging and mature markets globally.
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The Benefits of UTPS
Host Nation
Visa Processing
Visitor's can seamlessly submit your visa application online, eliminating the need for complex paperwork and lengthy queues.
User Pays Visa Application Fee (Non-Refundable)
Via Web3 interface, the Visitor’s Wallet is funded by that amount (in the background).
Visa, hotel booking and shopping payments can be done through the wallet
Effective Travel Plan
Visitors can plan their travel plan within the mobile application in their preferred ways and time
Safety at Islands
Safety at our islands will be our utmost priority and it will serve best to the visitors
All kind of notifications related to travel, visa, spending will be in one place
Visitors can track their daily and weekly spending in the reports section
Return Un-used Funds
During departure the un-used funds will be returned to the visitors account